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What's your Response to the AI Elephant in the Room?

Updated: Jan 27

Change, and in today's world AI, is impacting all of us at a mega level. With change as the "new constant", you'd agree with us that relevance will be a ‘moving target’. Strategic Agility, we believe, is the pathway to sustained Distinct Relevance; one that is underpinned by repeatable and enduring Critical and Strategic Thinking skills in the very people tasked with delivering on outcomes.


Yet, left unchecked or without clear intent, there is real risk that change becomes a threat vs. an opportunity and a mega change like AI will lessen—not improve—the ability of our organisations to think and act purposefully.  

DPI ourselves have considered and put together our response to the AI elephant in the room - by leveraging our own time-tested and proven suite of Strategic Capabilities and reinventing our work and processes to ensure DPI remains relevant and deliver new value to clients.

The Aha's below are pure & simple; they are what we practice & preach.

Could they be food for thought for you?

… mindset before anything else

… start with a clear and well-aligned strategic intent in mind

... develop the habit and culture of critical and strategic thinking

… AI can support and enhance this 👆🏼

➕DPI has integrated Critical Thinking and use of AI as one unified skill

➕Our Bamboo AI platform "thinks" with the 7Cs of Strategic Thinking


What would be your own considered response to change? Make AI part of the solution, not the problem. DPI can be can a part of your journey to do so...


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